Today is one of those days in which the world does not make sense any more and a person you considered your friend and your ally backstabs you. And as an excuse, he says he does it in the name of justice.
After a mediocre interrogation of some of the pirates, Tyrion felt he had neither the skill nor the courage to obtain any information from their captain, so he decided to let this difficult task to a more skillful person: Leo. I myself would not have been able to go into the room of that monster, the animal who attacked the village where I lived merrily with my sisters and my mother, slaved my neighbors and friends, and talk to him as if nothing had happened. And I would not consider my friend anyone who could. Leo went there, obtained a valuable information about the origin of the attack to our village and showed him that he would not get away with what he had done. During the process, the cries of pain of that criminal could be heard all over the ship.
After he had finished, Leo came to us to inform us of the results. When Tyrion heard that he had killed the captain, he went mad, muttering some incoherent sentences about justice and lack of remorse. Then he went to the captain of the ship and asked him to judge Leo for murder... MURDER? He had simply administered justice. He had avoided that a pirate and slave trader would go to court and would not pay for his crimes simply because he has the gold (by the way, stolen gold) required to bribe one of those corrupt halflings at Marshport, the same halflings that did not move a finger when we told them that the pirates had attacked our village, the same halflings that had bought the slaves against their own law, simply because a wizard was paying well. Sorry, but in a place like that justice cannot prevail. A judge in Marshport or even the captain of our ship are not the right people to judge and condemn the pirate for his crimes.
Now the captain is going to judge Leo for being a good elf. And this trial (which is not only unfair, it is also dangerous for the peace on the ship) has been instigated by Tyrion. I am starting to wonder why a person that lives by the sword is suddenly so interested in the halfling legal system.
Session 28: Sins of One, Sins of Many
What a waste.
I thought Leonardino was a potential great leader with the warrior's code of conduct. Alas for us, he revealed himself as a violent psychopath lead by ego and emotions.
Our pirates captives started to talk. We had informations about the location and the organisation of their base and the fact that the enslaved elves had been taken there.
Although the pirates were receptive to logic and self-preservation, I feared their Captain was a different matter, specially because where I have no issue to free fishermen wanting an extra gold for food in exchange for information on a criminal organisation, I find impossible not to give the Captain to justice to answer to his heinous acts.
I thought that having bested the Captain and forced him to surrender, Leonardino would be able to extract more information despite any counterparts from us.
I believed in him and I trusted him.
For once, I was a bad judge of heart. His history caught up with him. I do not known whether what happened to him, the pirate attack on his village or his enslavement, made him do it, or as I suspect, he is following is own path.
But in the end, the Captain died by his hand. Several times stabbed to death... with obvious traces of torture.
I was shocked. Shocked by his lack of repentance, his lack of remorse and his lack of judgement: It seems the Captain asked for death in exchange for information. A Captain that had lost everything: boat, crew, freedom, reputation... and a Captain that was already heading to the hangman managed to escape justice.
Maybe I am even more shocked by the lack of reaction from Vistra who clearly heard the scream of pain of the Captain...and remained still. My dear Vistra, protector of the poor, the sick and the defenceless, what happened to you? What is this awful poison in your heart? What have you become? Did the horrors of this world taken your resolve? I hope not.
As I said, it seems that Leonardino is walking his own path... and that is not one I want to share.
I stated my case to the halfling captain:
I'd like to report that the pirate captain has been tortured and killed while handcuffed under the supervision of Leonardino. This is against all laws I known and recognise: this was murder and an insane parody of justice. Maybe here it is different but, as the only competent person about ship law, I call upon you to judge this case. I will respect and enforce any sentence you will see fit."
I do hope that Leonardino will see his errors and grow from them before it is too late. I dread the sentence that the captain will call upon him: either I will kill him or he will walk free and we will part ways..
I can only pray the gods we can avoid these two paths.
Our pirates captives started to talk. We had informations about the location and the organisation of their base and the fact that the enslaved elves had been taken there.
Although the pirates were receptive to logic and self-preservation, I feared their Captain was a different matter, specially because where I have no issue to free fishermen wanting an extra gold for food in exchange for information on a criminal organisation, I find impossible not to give the Captain to justice to answer to his heinous acts.
I thought that having bested the Captain and forced him to surrender, Leonardino would be able to extract more information despite any counterparts from us.
I believed in him and I trusted him.
For once, I was a bad judge of heart. His history caught up with him. I do not known whether what happened to him, the pirate attack on his village or his enslavement, made him do it, or as I suspect, he is following is own path.
But in the end, the Captain died by his hand. Several times stabbed to death... with obvious traces of torture.
I was shocked. Shocked by his lack of repentance, his lack of remorse and his lack of judgement: It seems the Captain asked for death in exchange for information. A Captain that had lost everything: boat, crew, freedom, reputation... and a Captain that was already heading to the hangman managed to escape justice.
Maybe I am even more shocked by the lack of reaction from Vistra who clearly heard the scream of pain of the Captain...and remained still. My dear Vistra, protector of the poor, the sick and the defenceless, what happened to you? What is this awful poison in your heart? What have you become? Did the horrors of this world taken your resolve? I hope not.
As I said, it seems that Leonardino is walking his own path... and that is not one I want to share.
I stated my case to the halfling captain:
I'd like to report that the pirate captain has been tortured and killed while handcuffed under the supervision of Leonardino. This is against all laws I known and recognise: this was murder and an insane parody of justice. Maybe here it is different but, as the only competent person about ship law, I call upon you to judge this case. I will respect and enforce any sentence you will see fit."
I do hope that Leonardino will see his errors and grow from them before it is too late. I dread the sentence that the captain will call upon him: either I will kill him or he will walk free and we will part ways..
I can only pray the gods we can avoid these two paths.
Berronar forgive me
Vistra, in prayer to The Mother Goddess:
"Berronar, Mother Goddess, guide me in these troubled times. I have taken a road I am not sure I can follow, crossed a bridge that is now burning behind me. "
The screams of Szakeem echo in Vistra's mind.
"I knew what would happen, the screams echoing from the lower decks just psychic screams hammering my mind confirming what I already knew. Szakeem was being tortured, and I tried to ignore them. Szakeem, a lawless pirate, murderer, kidnapper and who knows what other crimes could be laid at his feet, a hob-goblin rotten to the core and still the screams plague me. My pilgrimage was interrupted to aid in bringing the kidnappers of the elves at Leavendale to justice and free the elves that had been torn from their lives. But is this justice... we all knew Szakeem's crimes, we knew the gallows waited for him and so too would he have taken the information we needed to find the elves with him to his grave. "
Flashback: Vistra arrives with the others to where Leo has brought Szakeem, entering the room she is shocked to find Szakeem bleeding from several cut wounds, clearly dead. Turning to Leo she finds him covered in Szakeem's blood giving a grim image of what must have transpired.
Leo turns to the group and says "I have the information regarding the elves, Szakeem's request for the information was for me to kill him before he is hanged in Marshport."
"He wasn't lying, I knew from the way he said it and the predicament Szakeem was in that it was true, he had taken no pleasure from killing, but neither had he shown regret. But Szakeem was supposed to face justice in Marshport for his crimes. Leo isn't an evil man, his goal to free the elves is a noble sacrifice on his part but can we be the judges and the executioners. Had it not been one of the evil races that plague our world I know I would have stood against any form of torture, but can I condone such an act even against one such as a hob-goblin? Can I be angry at his death, while standing idle during torture? This is the bridge now burning behind me, have I turned from everything you stand against? It is in this I seek your guidance Berronar, and more I seek forgiveness and mercy if my path has strayed. "
The cost of honor
I stood there in front of the captain, as he nervously asked me once again why I had done it.
He did not seem able to grasp the meaning of my words when I told him once again that I had to stand by my word.
Obviously, the concept of honour and respect of the given word was extremely foreign to a halfling merchant, but I still found it surprising that he was so unable to understand my actions.
I would never break my word, and I had given my word to the pirate.
That very morning, Tyrion had looked at me and said:
"There are things I cannot do and I fear must be done. Do what you want with him, but get the information we need. The elves' lives depend on this. I'll be on the other side of the ship, out of ear range."
And he had walked away.
The priest had looked nervously around and simply muttered something about looking for something upstairs.
Adolfiel had held my stare and simply had said she would prevent the rest of the crew from coming below deck.
So after they had all left I slowly walked to the pirate's cell. The same pirate that had enslaved and killed my people. He had sold me to work and die in the mines. He had tried to kill all of us on this very ship. And he had almost succeded.
I knew that he would try to retain his pride, to remain defiant and to steal from us the only thing he had left, the information about the elves. He had lost everything and would seek at least some form of revenge.
I could only do one thing to stop that from happening.
I would make a deal with the devil.
I came in fully prepared to offer things that would have appalled my friends, because it would have meant betraying them.
After hearing my proposition, he proposed his own deal.
Sometimes, different minds reach the same conclusions. The pirate knew we needed the info, and he wanted something from me.
His deal was simpler, faster, very much his style.
If he gave me the information I needed, I would save him the trial, torture and hanging that was waiting for him in Marshport. He had no doubt that he would be hanged because he knew he was a thousand times guilty.
I accepted and gave my word.
Without hesitation, he told me who had the elves, why they had been taken, where and where I would find at least some of them. And stood there, waiting for me to do my part of the deal.
He knew I would not break my word.
And I didn't break it.
As soon as the rest of the group learnt about my actions, hell broke loose.
Tyrion threw a fit, gave a looooooong speech about morals, justice and ethics and walked away.
He came back later with a piece of news, he had made a formal accusation against me in front of the halfling captain.
For murder.
Technically, we had become his employees in the moment the pirates had attacked his ship.
I was bound again by my word and by accepting this contract I had to respect the halfling's word as justice.
Without a second of doubt, I accepted the trial. To do otherwise, I would have broken my word.
All this I explained once again to the halfling captain, but it was obvious that he did not like the responsability, he wanted nothing to do with it.
He had already proven to be too much of a coward to do justice himself on the pirate and now he had to decide on my future. He had heard everyone else's statements, but there was actually no dispute about what had happened. He had to punish me as he saw fit.
I stood there while the captain made up his mind, waiting for judgement.
I would not break my word.
He did not seem able to grasp the meaning of my words when I told him once again that I had to stand by my word.
Obviously, the concept of honour and respect of the given word was extremely foreign to a halfling merchant, but I still found it surprising that he was so unable to understand my actions.
I would never break my word, and I had given my word to the pirate.
That very morning, Tyrion had looked at me and said:
"There are things I cannot do and I fear must be done. Do what you want with him, but get the information we need. The elves' lives depend on this. I'll be on the other side of the ship, out of ear range."
And he had walked away.
The priest had looked nervously around and simply muttered something about looking for something upstairs.
Adolfiel had held my stare and simply had said she would prevent the rest of the crew from coming below deck.
So after they had all left I slowly walked to the pirate's cell. The same pirate that had enslaved and killed my people. He had sold me to work and die in the mines. He had tried to kill all of us on this very ship. And he had almost succeded.
I knew that he would try to retain his pride, to remain defiant and to steal from us the only thing he had left, the information about the elves. He had lost everything and would seek at least some form of revenge.
I could only do one thing to stop that from happening.
I would make a deal with the devil.
I came in fully prepared to offer things that would have appalled my friends, because it would have meant betraying them.
After hearing my proposition, he proposed his own deal.
Sometimes, different minds reach the same conclusions. The pirate knew we needed the info, and he wanted something from me.
His deal was simpler, faster, very much his style.
If he gave me the information I needed, I would save him the trial, torture and hanging that was waiting for him in Marshport. He had no doubt that he would be hanged because he knew he was a thousand times guilty.
I accepted and gave my word.
Without hesitation, he told me who had the elves, why they had been taken, where and where I would find at least some of them. And stood there, waiting for me to do my part of the deal.
He knew I would not break my word.
And I didn't break it.
As soon as the rest of the group learnt about my actions, hell broke loose.
Tyrion threw a fit, gave a looooooong speech about morals, justice and ethics and walked away.
He came back later with a piece of news, he had made a formal accusation against me in front of the halfling captain.
For murder.
Technically, we had become his employees in the moment the pirates had attacked his ship.
I was bound again by my word and by accepting this contract I had to respect the halfling's word as justice.
Without a second of doubt, I accepted the trial. To do otherwise, I would have broken my word.
All this I explained once again to the halfling captain, but it was obvious that he did not like the responsability, he wanted nothing to do with it.
He had already proven to be too much of a coward to do justice himself on the pirate and now he had to decide on my future. He had heard everyone else's statements, but there was actually no dispute about what had happened. He had to punish me as he saw fit.
I stood there while the captain made up his mind, waiting for judgement.
I would not break my word.
Session 27: Blood Stains
Tyrion and Leonardino take turns to question the captured pirates about the elves' whereabouts. Some useful leads emerge, but are they worth the price?
The Legend of Leonardino
Here is the strange story of Leonardino,
Leader amongst leaders,
Defying Dragons, Demons and the Shadow.
But maybe he was only a tiger of paper,
Because in him was mainly Bravado,
And the deeds were perhaps done by others.
Half breed of pure elf and purest human,
Lost between these two bloodlines,
Just made himself a fisherman,
To prove everybody that he could shine,
Amongst the ducks, he would be a swan,
But in reality, was he worth a dime?
We shall see
His first shot at being a hero,
Was when pirates attacked his village.
But he could only weep in sorrow,
Caught between violence and pillage.
He fell down without a blow,
And carried away like a bunch of sausage.
Taken captive in the pirate ship,
He cried for days below the deck,
Wobbly knees and trembling lip.
Having enough of this sobbing wreck
The pirates sold him for just a tip
It was either that or cut his neck.
Enslaved to do a wizard's bidding,
In a cave below his evil tower,
Everyday digging and digging,
Thought he was doomed forever.
But hope came anew in a bright morning
With those soon to be known as his followers.
A bearded dwarven priestess in a barrel
An elven wizard thirsty for knowledge
Akin to an ugly ranger named...something with "el"
Escorted by an aged drunken swordmage
All now shrouded in mystery's mantle
Whose sole use was the coming of a new age.
In awe of his mere presence
They fell for Leonardino's leadership.
Like their life found at last their balance,
A new goal: to follow his lordship,
Now known for his legendary sentence:
"Gentlemen, I am taking their ship"
His destiny was at last revealed,
His greatness in a word: Inspire
Against him, no evil stays undefeated,
Around him, every act becomes wonder.
Dragons, Demon and even Illithids,
Tremble in their skin and shiver.
He walks the earth and brings justice
Evil be warned! and be careful,
As from him you'll have no kiss,
His wrath and strength never restful,
Defying those who threatened peace,
He charges and shouts
(deep male voice) "you're beautiful"
It does not sound right,
let's try it this way:
(gay style, singing)
You're beautiful, you're beautiful
I love your skin, its just too smooth!
Your fangs are white, be merciful!
Please don't kill me, I'm in my youth!
You're wearing silk, that's wonderful!
I'm just a worm, I offer truce!
Oh shit, oh shit, I'm gonna die!
Why did I charge, they never follow!
I would attack, but I'm just too shy!
That's too risky, I'll take a blow!
The boat is close and I believe I can fly!
Why do they laugh, it's not for show!
(normal flux)
Alas for the poor Leonardino,
Wanting to write a line in History
With the well deserved title of hero!
But nobody can change his destiny,
When Fate "blesses" you with Bravado,
You should just stick to comedy!
Leader amongst leaders,
Defying Dragons, Demons and the Shadow.
But maybe he was only a tiger of paper,
Because in him was mainly Bravado,
And the deeds were perhaps done by others.
Half breed of pure elf and purest human,
Lost between these two bloodlines,
Just made himself a fisherman,
To prove everybody that he could shine,
Amongst the ducks, he would be a swan,
But in reality, was he worth a dime?
We shall see
His first shot at being a hero,
Was when pirates attacked his village.
But he could only weep in sorrow,
Caught between violence and pillage.
He fell down without a blow,
And carried away like a bunch of sausage.
Taken captive in the pirate ship,
He cried for days below the deck,
Wobbly knees and trembling lip.
Having enough of this sobbing wreck
The pirates sold him for just a tip
It was either that or cut his neck.
Enslaved to do a wizard's bidding,
In a cave below his evil tower,
Everyday digging and digging,
Thought he was doomed forever.
But hope came anew in a bright morning
With those soon to be known as his followers.
A bearded dwarven priestess in a barrel
An elven wizard thirsty for knowledge
Akin to an ugly ranger named...something with "el"
Escorted by an aged drunken swordmage
All now shrouded in mystery's mantle
Whose sole use was the coming of a new age.
In awe of his mere presence
They fell for Leonardino's leadership.
Like their life found at last their balance,
A new goal: to follow his lordship,
Now known for his legendary sentence:
"Gentlemen, I am taking their ship"
His destiny was at last revealed,
His greatness in a word: Inspire
Against him, no evil stays undefeated,
Around him, every act becomes wonder.
Dragons, Demon and even Illithids,
Tremble in their skin and shiver.
He walks the earth and brings justice
Evil be warned! and be careful,
As from him you'll have no kiss,
His wrath and strength never restful,
Defying those who threatened peace,
He charges and shouts
(deep male voice) "you're beautiful"
It does not sound right,
let's try it this way:
(gay style, singing)
You're beautiful, you're beautiful
I love your skin, its just too smooth!
Your fangs are white, be merciful!
Please don't kill me, I'm in my youth!
You're wearing silk, that's wonderful!
I'm just a worm, I offer truce!
Oh shit, oh shit, I'm gonna die!
Why did I charge, they never follow!
I would attack, but I'm just too shy!
That's too risky, I'll take a blow!
The boat is close and I believe I can fly!
Why do they laugh, it's not for show!
(normal flux)
Alas for the poor Leonardino,
Wanting to write a line in History
With the well deserved title of hero!
But nobody can change his destiny,
When Fate "blesses" you with Bravado,
You should just stick to comedy!
Please heed notice,
the famous bard Aquilonius will present a once in a lifetime live performance!
(his perfomance will be posted after the representation).
A first time ever song titled: "Legend of Leonardino"
Follow by a debate: "Leonardino: real or fake?"
Free booze, no dress code. Come numerous.
the famous bard Aquilonius will present a once in a lifetime live performance!
(his perfomance will be posted after the representation).
A first time ever song titled: "Legend of Leonardino"
Follow by a debate: "Leonardino: real or fake?"
Free booze, no dress code. Come numerous.
Session 26: Walking the Plank

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