Bahamut, be prepared for thy servant

(A wobbly shadow in the dark streets of Mashport, it is nearly dawn and everything is calm... actually, not quite as asleep citizen are awaken by a shouting voice)

My Lord! Yes, you flying over there, hear my words!


I do not pray often, but when I do, prepare your tavern girls and show your gold!


Tyrion is in town ... and he needs to be emptied.


We left this cursed halfling town and are prepared to bait pirates on their hunting grounds. I am accompanied by youngsters that never put a foot on a deck and not a hand on a dick!

(shut up, we are sleeping)

You shut up, bitch!
Damn ground, why isn't it flat?
I am likely to
die, surrounded by midgets and unfuckables in cold waters, but bear witness...

(silence! somebody calls the gards)

Yeah! call them so they can hear me!
Bear witness!: I will bring so many of them down that their blood will crush open the doors of Walhalla
for me. The cries of despair from the sluts of the world will deafened the gods themselves...

*hips...hooo, my head*

Tonight, I fucked without restrains, I drunk without restrains, I have gambled without restrains... that is my life, and Lord Bahamut, give me the same in the afterlife!

*Beuuuuuha* (noise of something liquid splashing on a wall)

But... if you can wait a couple of decades, that is fine by me!
