During our travels we were ambushed by Spiders - I have hated them since my nice sisters filled one day my bed with several of them just before we went to bed- and they gave us a hard time, jumping from tree to tree while injecting their venom. We also were attacked by some stray wolves, but after I put them to sleep, Adolfiel and Streisan defeated them with well placed blows... Sisters' Power!
Relkingham, a beautiful city for human standards, trade seemed to be slow. We learnt that the Caliph, Fanden Linam, wanted to pass an Edict that could impose a hefty tariff on the Wylflower trade: human sacrifices to Erathis! Anyone that crossed the Relkingham Bridge would be forced to pay offering some part of their bodies to Erathis! How barbaric humans are!
After some inquiries, we became acquaintanced with the town's situation. Relkingham was in dire straits; snow had not come to the Cairntops and this could spell disaster to the Wylflower production. Hoping to be able to appease Erathis, the Caliph had decided to impose the Tariff. After a short interview with the Mayor, during which we explained him the danger the raiders of Leavendale posed also to Relkingham, the Mayor offered us compensation and help to track the raiders if we could travel to Wyllea and convince the Caliph to stop signing the Tariff.
In the Town Hall, we also met Ghesh, a handsome Paladin of Erathis, with a commanding presence. He was like no one I had seen before, with the features of a powerful dragon sculpted on his beautiful face. The Mayor told us that Ghesh would accompany us, as he had to deliver a message to the Vizier Avonazemon, Supreme Judicar of Delornen.
Since Ghesh is accompanyin us, Adolfiel has been playing more with her hair, Streisan is excited about talking with him about the best movements with a polearm, and I have decided to question him about Erathis and his family... Ioun, guide my path to absolute knowledge!!
Scientific Notes
Wylflower -see drawing at the end of the diary- seems to be a powerful drug that improves the mood of those who eat its seeds: I had a most wonderful experience with it the first night we arrived at Relkingham.
I have also talked with several Sailors and it seems that Wylflower Elixir is particularly powerful in improving one's focus... I will try to gain the knowledge of obtaining the Elixir to see if it is helpful for my investigations... at least it will make a good addendum to the book I am writing on the ecology of the Sylfaen Forest and the surrounding nations, Ioun be praised!