On the right track?

After having spent some time in Relkingham for Ghesh's funeral, we headed towards the north. During our time in Relkingham we heard some rumours about possible ships similar to those that had attacked the elven settlement having been sighted near Marshport.

On our way north we stopped in Sylfren, so the three sisters could have some time with their mother. I have to say the trip being uneventful was a welcome relief from the adrenalin rushing charging we've had to endure in the past few days.

I must admit that the chances of completing my pilgrimage have gone to the near impossible. I have taken up a path which will allow me to spread Berronar's teachings, and I must now follow it to it's end. I spent a lot of time in Marshport at their rather small hospital, helping to heal those that require it while some of the others were gathering information. In the evenings I was filled in on what information had been gathered; hearing about the evil that was happening to the north across the mountains, about the legend of Angerplea and the Black Cry which could possibly be related to our quest to find out what had happened to the elves.

But although we gathered information, we got no further regarding to where we should go next. I decided to ask guidance from Beronnar. I received a sign, pointing me to the north. I feel the events across the Whitecap mountain range is where my presence will be required. But after having talked to the Major of Marschport, he talked about increased goblin activity in Nirnwood to the north and how it could pause increasing concern to travelers to Marshport. I was convinced by Tyrion and Sariel that clearing this issue could possibly save lives and shouldn't require that long, compared to the time it would take to travel to the Nantir Vale.

Traveling to the Nirnwood forest, we found the weather fighting against us. The cold biting through our thick winter clothing. We met a band of brigands that were easily defeated. They seemed more like misplaced souls than brigands after we had a talk to them. They had found a map of a supposed 'treasure' cove. We decided to see if we could find this location with the help of the brigands. Arriving at their camp we found it had been attacked, most of their materials and supplies looted. We followed the tracks, reaching a group of frost goblins. We managed to dispatch all but the leader who managed to flee dispite Tyrion's efforts.

We finally found the location of the map within a cave system. A solid metal slab with engravings into them saying 'death awaits you', curiosity having taken the better of us we went to investigate. This lead us into a rather diabolical system of traps, which unfortunatly, Streisan beared the brunt of their trickery. Getting dumped into filth, burned on several occasions. I did my best to protect her but the nature of the traps made this very difficult, I am thankful though she managed to survive the ordeal. The final trap was a dragon, very well crafted as it seemed a dragon from the front, although there were some quirks which tipped us off it actually wasn't. But as soon as Streisan and Tyrion managed to get behind the dragon it was clear that it was mechanical. They disabeled the dragon and we found a goblin, rather well dressed, unfortunalty without a tongue. Later we found the culprit of the trap systems, which ended up being a gnome (although we can't confirm this) who through a failed experiment ended up as a weapon able to change it's size, shape. Having a chat with him, and apologising for having invaded his home, we managed to convince him to give us accomodations while we searched for goblin threats in the region. I also managed to convince him to lend me the Draconomicon, although at this time I am unsure if I will be able to decipher it as it seems far more complex then I originally believed.

We are still going to be searching for more traces of the goblins in the area, but for now I'm happy we got comfortable accomodations, especially as it's comfortably warm.