Return back home

After the big battle in Relkingham, we heard some rumours regarding the raiders that had attacked our town. Apparently some travelers had seen a similar ship in the northern city of Marshport. So, without delay, we have decided to go to this city. Fortunately, our town is in the way to Marshport, so we have stopped there to see how things are going after the attack. Gradually life is coming back to the town, but the wounds opened with the raid will take a long time to heal.

We have also visited Mum in Sylfre. She looked very happy to see us. We checked she was ok. After dinner, while I was helping her with the washing-up, I have asked her if she was worried for the future; we are not there now, she has to live in town (which is far more expensive than the life in the forest)... when we started talking she was with that typical "I'll be ok, darling" attitude of hers, but then, when I have offered her some money to help her, she has looked at the coins and then at me. Finally, she has kept the coins in her pocket. I know it's weird, but I have the feeling she was a bit disappointed.