Trip to Relkingham

Walking through the forest is really dangerous... but the hills are not safer. After leaving the refugees in Sylfre, we have decided to go to Relkingham to see what's the situation there. It is a human city on the river bank (the same as Leavendale), so it could also be attacked by the raiders... or it could be them who attacked our town!

The two travellers who helped us in Leavendale have also joined us. They are very strange: one is a small woman (wearing a beard! there are really strange creatures in this world... I think her name is Vistra) and the other one, Tyrion, is a human (as the raiders... mmmh). They do not talk too much, but I think there is more than friendship between them. They make a really strange couple (a human and "that"... I suppose nobody's perfect!).

The journey is exhausting: appart from the distance, we also have to deal with the wild animals, that keep treating us as their dinner. First it was some spiders, and then a pack of wolves. Enough for today.