Wind riding to Relkingham

I can hardly control my tears while I write this last passage of my diary... Ghesh is dead! We were destined to form a family, with lots of half-elf-dragon kids! Even seeing him with Adolfiel would have been better than this! I knew that dead crow was a bad omen!

It all happened like this:

We arrived to Hamona -these Humans like giving names to their kids and villages that sound pretty silly in Elf, but they are a puny race anyway- in search for fresh horses that would allow us to keep galloping towards Relkingham.
The village was deserted and as soon as we tried to get into the stalls we were assaulted by a bunch of disgusting undead; most of them had their left hand cut and their left eye plucked away... a sign of the despicable god Vecna! His followers are always searching for secrets to control for their own advantage, instead of spreading knowledge to everybody, as is good and reasonable.
I immediately became suspicious of the Vizier and this damn Tariff: if the Tariff was implemented, many people would lose their hands and eye, and that would please that horrendous deity thousandfold... I prayed Ioun to help us in our task to defeat the Vizier, as I was sure now he was a traitorous follower of Vecna.

After burying the corpses in Hamona, we galloped all night long towards Relkingham and there were many times I thought I'd fall from the horse due to exhaustion. We passed an inn that had been attacked by raiders- probably another group allied with the vizier, and by this time it was clear to us that he had prepared everything beforehand to try out a coup against the Caliph. Our companions, Ghesh, Tyrion and Vistra decided to burn the bodies, although Adolfiel, Streisan and I told them it was a pity to lose time in such minor details. Nature should be allowed to follow its course, and they should have said a short prayer and left the bodies to the Feys and other heralds of Corellon so that they could still be useful to the Circle of Life. I used the time they spent resting and massaging my sore bottom.

After hours of exhausting riding, we arrived at Relkingham. We learnt from the Guards that the Vizier and his bodyguards had arrived only a few hours before us, but had already stormed the Temple of Erathis.
While we were discussing, in the square in front of the Temple, on the best way to assault the building, a guard came and told us there were some riots; the news were confusing, as they seemed to be people bent on attacking the Vizier, but when they arrived at the square it was obvious everything was a ruse, as their leader was wearing a symbol of Vecna.

The ensuing battle was dramatic; we received the help of some Rangers of Relkingham and a Paladin of Erathis while the rioters received the help of some of the Vizier's bodyguards that attacked us from the temple in an attempt to surround us.
In the final combat, Paladin Jeryn, the leader of the Vizier's bodyguards, charged us. Only thanks to the cooperation of all members of our group and with the help of Paladin Nietsch were we capable of defeating him. Both paladins killed each other in their last furious strikes, and the mighty sword of Paladin Jeryn broke when he pierced Nietsch's heart with it, probably the sword knew the last deeds of Jeryn had been too evil and felt ashamed of taking the life of such a noble person as Nietsch.